• Semi-annual semi-adventure update

    Semi-annual semi-adventure update

    It’s been a while since I did something other than grouse about my injuries here. I am still in physical therapy getting over all of the various secondary issues I created for myself by breaking my elbow. Next on the hit parade: at long last physical therapy for my back! Oh, and this blog and…

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  • The quest continues

    Now that 2023 is behind us (good riddance, I say!), it’s time to officially continue my quest to figure out what the heck I want to do with myself as a retired person. I spent so much of 2023 injured and recovering that I didn’t really have time for anything else. As 2024 begins, I’m…

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  • Pick yourself up, brush yourself off and start all over again…

    Gosh, it’s September! I’d say “hey where has the time gone?” but I know the answer. It’s been a really weird year. Things started out okay – we had a nice trip to Hawaii to celebrate our 20th anniversary in Dec 2022 then came home and had a quiet holiday and welcomed in 2023. So…

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  • Ctrl-Alt-Esc (aka reboot time!)

    Consider this the first post of a new blog. I’m still wrapping my head around the reality, but I retired! Okay, since I was a consultant a better way to phrase it might be that I didn’t renew my contract and we are still keeping the (virtual) lights on at our small business but for…

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  • Where does the time go?

    Wow, I had the best of intentions back in August of 2021 (!!!!) to do a better job of keeping this blog up to date with our comings and goings. No such luck, I guess. Here it is March of 2022 and I am finally playing catch up. I wish I had a really good…

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  • Traveling in a pandemic

    I guess I could call this “traveling in a post-pandemic world” but that wouldn’t be accurate as the infection numbers are creeping up some, fueled by a contagious variant and unvaccinated folks. We felt pretty confident having been fully vaccinated and so decided to head to the east coast to see family this July. I…

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