Well, it’s been 4 days since my ankle surgery, and the pain has subsided. I’m weaning myself off the vicodin (that stuff does weird things to your head!). Now I’m starting to settle into the reality of my situation: six weeks in an air cast with pretty limited mobility. Once I can put my foot down again and walk, things will be much better but for the time being, it’s like lugging an albatross around on your leg. And it’s my right leg, so no driving at all for the duration. *sigh* The crutches are okay, but my left wrist is off kilter from an old break (a tumble down a flight of stairs about two years after the ligament-tearing incident) and I have managed to rub the skin on that wrist raw. I’m now sporting moleskin, to keep it from getting worse. And we have padded the crutches so they look swell, kind of like funky trailer park crutches.
I have read one good book so far (it’s a very fast read, too): The Five People You Meet in Heaven. My aunt recommended it, and it was perfect reading for me when I was feeling sorry for myself and helpless. The premise is, basically, that whether we recognize it or not, we all change other people’s lives; we are all important and have value (okay, so it’s a little Hallmark-y). Now I’m biting into something completely different: The King of America, a fictionalized retelling of the life of Michael Rockefeller who disappeared in New Guinea in the early 60s. I’m also supposed to be working (we have high speed wireless connectivity throughout the house and I have my G4 laptop) but my concentration is just not th…what was I saying? Who am I? Is it nap time yet?