Saturday was the annual Halloween party at jack’s. He’s been putting one on for many years and Chuck has been a faithful attendee. A semi-enforced requirement is that you must wear a costume. Before I cam along, that meant for time immemorial Chuck went as a cowboy. Since we’ve been going together, he’s branched out. he’s been Andy Warhol, a Playboy bunny, a cowboy (okay, that wasn’t branching out much), and this year – well, this year we had Plan A, B and C and ended up with Plan C which had us going as a plug and a socket. I was the socket and he was the plug. Haha. We spent a lot of the evening demonstrating the costumes, with his foam plug, uh, inserting itself into my cut felt socket. We got the costumes online at a very nice site that I’d use again, called Zoogster. The plug and socket costumes only came in plus sizes (they were sold out of regular) so Chuck in particular kept having to tug up on his plug as it drooped toward the ground. My friend Cheryl came down for the event and had created a glorious pimp costume for herself that was topped off by a fuzzy top hat and a rabbit fur boa. Also attending was our friend Bev dressed as a knocked-up Girl Scout (from Troop 69, no less). My favorite was Bob, who came as a homey. Pics here.
A fun time was had by all
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