The man with two names

I was going to write an amusing blog entry tonight about Chuck’s various names and how confusing it can get as people refer to him by these various appellations, hence the cute title which is, of course, a reference to the very underrated Steve Martin film The Man with Two Brains.

I’m saving that for another day. Today I want to bitch about the weather here on the east coast. It’s hot and humid. Let me rephrase that: it’s really horribly hot and dreadfully humid. And I am from southern California. An arid desert climate. Where humid is, oh I don’t know, non-existent. We went running this morning and came back after 3.5 miles sopping wet and completely pooped. Then we spent a couple of hours in a pool. Eventually we had to come back inside and immediately started sweating, and kept right on sweating. The natives seem more accustomed to it, but us visitors, we drip. I haven’t been east in the summer in several years and had forgotten how the humidity can suck the soul right out of your body. The last time I came, my brother took me running in northern Virginia in August and nearly killed me; I got so dehydrated it took me most of the day to recover. That’s kind of how I felt today – half dead. Chuck’s cousin, with whom we are staying, and her husband didn’t think it was hot enough for air-conditioning. We thought they didn’t HAVE air-conditioning! I mean, sensible people in this sort of heat would OF COURSE turn on the air-conditioning, right? Apparently as far as the natives go, this weather really isn’t too bad. Just wait until later in the summer, they say. Hahahahahaha!!! I say. Like I’ll come back here later in the summer – EVER! They finally gave in and turned it on this afternoon as they saw us slowly turning into soft, squishy former human beings. We all started to perk up as the indoor temperature dropped below 90 degrees. Phew! Folks are really nice out here, but they can keep their sucky weather. I’ll take So Cal sun and surf any day over this! Oh well, it’s been fun visiting here, but next time they can come to US!

Tomorrow we head for Cape May and the New Jersey shore. I’m hopeful the weather will be nicer – sea breezes and stuff like that. At the very least there will be the ocean that we can hurl ourselves into…
