…You can never have too big a plasma TV. We have had a 42 inch plasma TV in the living room for three years now and from the day we bought it I could see that Chuck thought it was a bit small. At the time, 50 inch plasma TVs were pretty expensive, so I put the kibosh on his plans for big screen overload.
Well, the times they are a’changing. LCDs have brought the price of plasma TVs way down, so after New Year’s we went to check out the offerings at Best Buy. According to CNET, the top plasma HDTV was a Pioneer. We looked at it, but the cost for the 50″ was almost the same as the 58″ Panasonic, and as they had placed the TVs side by side, the 50″ did look a bit puny next to the 58.” CNET liked the Panasonic a lot, too, though the model we got was a bit newer than the one they reviewed, and had more features.
What to do with the 42 inch plasma, though? Put it in the bedroom and turn it into wall art, of course! But before we could do that, we had to move the behemoth that was already there. This was a lovely TV several years ago – a 34″ widescreen CRT-type TV. It lived in an armoire that we had made to hold it, and moving it – well, let me just say it wasn’t easy. Still, we triumphed eventually and it now has a new home with my niece. This morning we mounted the 42″ plasma TV in the bedroom, the Best Buy guys delivered and set up the new monster which leaves us in TV hog heaven.
Chuck, much like a deer in headlights with eyes the size of saucers, is downstairs as I type watching Raiders of the Lost Ark on the big ass screen, completely entranced. He may never leave the living room again.