Down Mexico Way

We made it down to Cabo San Lucas today, flying via Alaska Airlines. A bumpy flight for most of the way – much turbulence even at high altitude. But we landed safely, mad it through Customs, fought our way past the hordes of people trying to a) give us a ride to wherever we were going or b) sign us up for a timeshare spiel. Both appear to be big business here. We ignored all of that and caught the shuttle to the Hertz car rental place (very cute adobe building right off the airport grounds). On the way in, we were talking to another couple in the van when the subject of body shots came up. I, in all innocence, asked what a body shot was, only to be met with much derisive laughter and disbelief. As it happens, it does not involve guns or bullets.

The place that Cheryl rented for her birthday blowout is quite spectacular – but in a neighborhood where over the top is the norm, it’s one of the average to smaller places. The gated community in which this villa resides is called Pedregal and a vacant lot here goes for $500,00, we hear. Oceanfront homes are in the 10 million dollar range. Phew! We didn’t get here until late in the afternoon, so didn’t get a chance to explore. We had margaritas and appetizers and played a little poker (one of the guys here is a professional poker party arranger). About 9:30pm the party hearty contingent (including, of course, the birthday girl) headed out to sample the nightlife of Cabo. Chuck and I stayed in tonight; he’s exhausted from training and travel, and I’m still trying to beat my head cold (flying didn’t help it). The weather here is on the cool side (low 70’s during the day and 60’s at night, and the ocean is no warmer than So Cal’s (temps in the 60’s – brrrr!!) so our snorkeling gear may go unused. Still, I’m finally in Mexico!

Finally, guess where there is a very nice wireless connection? You guessed it, right here in the villa! We had heard and read that there would only be dial up, so I didn’t have any high epectations when I packed my laptop. But lo and behold, there was a DSL modem AND a wireless router humming away when we arrived. Makes bringing my laptop so much more rewarding. Also, roaming cell phone service here costs $0.99 for incoming or outgoing calls. Makes email look really attractive!

More tomorrow.
