Oh, man! I missed the second coming!

We went over to the Hilo AT&T store at about 8am this morning and people were already in line to get the iPhone when they released it at 6pm. We went back later in the afternoon and the line stretched around the block.

After a day spent doing laundry and snorkeling (we saw an ancient sea turtle and lots of sergeant majors), we went back at 10:00pm and learned they had sold out by 7:45pm. When we got back to the hotel I ordered my very own Jesus phone online with promised delivery in two to four weeks. Chuck is betting we can get one at an Apple Store before then. I’m betting not (once again, our glass-half-empty and glass-half-full natures cross paths). We’ll see who’s right Sunday in Honolulu.

In the meantime, ThinkSecret has dismantled one for your viewing pleasure.

On an unrelated note, I recorded the sound of the incredibly annoying coquis at night. We are both wearing earplugs now to deaden the sound of their interminable chirping. Imagine this going on night after night after night forever. Argh!!
