Movies, we’ve got movies!

One of the fun things I like to do with my digital camera is take little movies. And while we were in Europe, I had lots of interesting topics to shoot. Chuck got in on the fun too, as did our young friend Meagan. I haven’t got mine up on YouTube yet, but I did put them in Flash format. So first up, is this video of enthusiastic dancing during the post-marathon recuperation walk in Medoc. Yes, wine tasting was going on. We did not dance at this point, we were too busy taking pictures. Next is some video Meagan shot at the lunch after the recuperation walk in Medoc. At this point more wine had been drunk and the crowd started body surfing. The first guy you see I don’t know, but that second person is our friend Gerry who, though the video doesn’t show it, surfed successfully to the end of the line. Next up is some video I shot from the top of the Arc de Triomphe looking down on traffic feeding into the traffic circle from the Champs Elysees. I could have spent hours watching the ebb and flow. There are no lanes, and the whole great dance relies on everybody knowing what to do (fyi: you yield to traffic coming INTO the circle). Even more amazing, not a single horn honked the entire time I was watching! Next we have a brief video I shot of the Eiffel Tower lighting up at midnight. It’s been doing this for a while, I know, but it’s the first time I’d seen it so I was impressed. The video is short: the real deal goes on for ten minutes. Lastly, we have the disgusting carp of Versailles, shot by Meagan. The carp live in the artificial lake by the Queen’s Hamlet. Duck and swans live there, too, and they all fight over the food fed them by tourists. It was as disgusting as the video shows. 
