Wow, time sure does fly when you’re busy working! I’ve been nose to the grindstone for a bit now and haven’t had a chance to update the blog on the status of the littlest O’Sheas. Yes kids, the red wigglers arrived and have taken up residence in their new chalet. They spent the first week out in the garage, but late last week we moved them to their permanent home in the backyard. We’ve been feeding them a yummy diet of coffee grounds and filters, banana peels and assorted other tasty trash. We don’t see much of them, though I always say hello whenever I drop stuff in on them. Here are some pics of the construction of the chalet.
Time flies & worms grow
The little guys are not particularly photogenic, but I’ve made some attempts. They totally don’t get it when you say, “Smile!” So in lieu of a photo of our worms, here is a pic of other worms. Trust me, ours look just like them.
We’re off to Colorado tomorrow morning for a week in the snow. I’ll try to be a better blogger from there.
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