Victoria, BC: Yep, I still want to be a Canadian!

butchart gardens
butchart gardens

We spent a few days this past wek in Victoria, BC. Wow, what a great place! The weather was fabulous – although the weather predictions called for rain every day we were going to be there, we had one evening of rain and two and a half lovely days of cool temps and fluffy-white-cloud blue skies. My sister and brother-in-law met us up there, and they hadn’t been before, so we ended up cramming a lot into a few days.

First we took a limo from Victoria to Butchart Gardens, where we spent a couple of hours touring the gardens then had a yummy dinner on the veranda of the Dining Room restaurant. After dinner we took a float plane back to Victoria (oddly enough our pilot was the same guy we had the last time we visited Victoria & took our first ever float plane ride – small world!).

The next day we decided to try whale watching, so we signed up for a three hour Zodiac boat ride. We saw harbor deals, sea lions, a bald eagle and a family of Orcas. Yes, we actually SAW WHALES!! We thought we had had a real once in a lifetime experience when we saw the bald eagle but the next day as we were walking around we mentioned to a shop owner that we had seen the bald eagle and she said, “Oh out by such and such rock?” Turns out the eagle lives there and everybody sees him. *sigh* Pics here.

Who could ask for anything more, except maybe that Obama wins in November?