How we’ve spent our week

maureen, chuck and valerieWe had a great weekend biking around the Solvang area. Saturday was the Solvang Prelude where we rode 50 miles, then on Sunday we did a recreational 25-miler from Solvang to Babcock Winery (one of our favorites) and back (25 miles). In all the time we’ve been going up to the Santa Ynez area, this was the first time we’ve ever combined bike riding and wine tasting. What a concept! It was a blast – we packed picnic goodies in a backpack, bought a bottle of chardonnay at Melville Winery then ate looking out over the vineyards (Melville has picnic tables and Babcock doesn’t). Wow! We have plans to do it again, with longer rides to more vineyards. Our butts were a bit sore after two days on bike seats but it was worth it. We drove home on Sunday afternoon, and it was back to work on Monday. Pics here.

All was well until Tuesday when I started feeling, well, yucky – achy, tired, chills, headache. I immediately thought I might have the flu and started steering well clear of Chuck as I figure flu is the last thing his immune system needs after getting whacked by chemo. On Wednesday we went to the Minute Clinic near us and they gave me the swab test for flu which came back negative (it’s an entertaining test – they take a cotton swab and shove it way up each nostril – which in my case it elicited a very sudden sense of something between being tickled and sniffing pepper). The nurse practitioner diagnosed a garden variety viral crud and recommended rest, vitamin C and hydration (no running, biking, etc) for 4-5 days. Well, here it is late Thursday and I’m already feeling better! The first sign of recovery came when the chicken soup that I had for lunch today didn’t sound as good as a sandwich. In retrospect it was most likely exhaustion as much as anything. But Chuck badgered me into being lazy for a few days so I’ve set myself up on the couch with my laptop, watching indie movies and playing around with Amazon’s video on demand.


2 responses to “How we’ve spent our week”

  1. eileen Avatar

    Except for the feeling like crap part, I’d agree. I worked all morning today (Friday) but get to kick back the rest of the afternoon.

  2. Meagan Lopez Avatar

    That sounds like the best vacation ever – both the bike ride and the couch with laptop and indie movies!