Now we wait (Apple fangirl update)

Today was the big day. I’ve been anxiously waiting all week. Yesterday the big announcement came: at 5:30am (PST) Apple new iPad would go on sale (for pre-order, arrives by April 3). I was up by 5:20. Paced in front of the computer and at 5:29 sure enough the store opened with a shiny new iPad section. Placed the order (momentary high, fist pumped the air). Sat back and realized that I now have to wait until April 3 to actually get the thing. Fist lowered, shoulders sagged. Off to get coffee. The life of an Apple fangirl. Pathetic? You decide.



One response to “Now we wait (Apple fangirl update)”

  1. Meagan Lopez Avatar

    You’re so funny. You’re dedicated – I’ll give you that! You converted me!