A lovely article that explains why I love Apple

Stephen Fry, one of the funniest guys around, has written a wonderful article for Time magazine about Apple, the iPad, and Steve Jobs. It’s a lovely, funny read. His description of going over to play with Douglas Adams is classic:

“Is he in?” I would pant excitedly. Douglas’ wife Jane would point with resigned amusement to the stairs, and I would hurl myself up them to swap files and play. We were like children with toy train sets. And that was part of the problem. It was such fun. Computing was not supposed to be fun. Douglas and I once spent two weeks redesigning our desktop icons and then asked Jane to judge the winner. She tactfully awarded us each first prize. We would have sulked for weeks otherwise.

Read the whole article here. I know people are still going to give me a hard time about my devotion to all things Apple, but reading this article I feel pretty okay being a fangirl. And I can’t WAIT to get my hands on my very own iPad this Saturday. BTW: if you are thinking about an iPad, here’s a good comparison of the versions from Gizmodo.

Reading about Douglas Adams reminded me what a wonderful writer he was, and how sad that he’s gone.