April in Paris

We arrived in Paris yesterday after an uneventful if cramped flight from LA via JFK. American Airlines appears to have reduced the leg space for their economy seats to such an extent that if the person in front of you puts their seat back, your knees actually push up against the seat. At least that was my experience on both legs of the flight. C’est la vie, at least the vie of a sardine. We spent about http://www.oshea.net/weblog/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=1216half an hour trying to figure out how to buy train tickets from Charles de Gaulle airport to downtown Paris (our debit and credit cards are not smart cards so wouldn’t work in any of the ticket machines. They also wouldn’t take bills). We eventually got squared away and made it to the hotel by 2:30. We went to the marathon expo then had a fun dinner with several of our friends who are also running the marathon. Out goal was to stay up until it was a normal bedtime in Paris, so as to get used to the time change faster. When we finally went to bed we had been up for nearly 20 hours and were so tired we don’t really remember getting into bed.

We are staying at the Hotel Napoleon which is a nice place but whose mist charming feature us that it is about half a block from the Arc de Triomphe and more importantly for us half a block from the start of the marathon. It’s about a block from the finish which after 26.2 miles may matter more than the half block to the start. The room is small but pleasant. The only downside to the place is the cost of wireless: 20 euros a day! The weather is amazing. It rained some yesterday but today it was partly cloudy and a brisk 55 degrees or so – that means great running weather. Yay!

IMG_0453Today we woke feeling fairly well acclimated to the time change, so our efforts of yesterday paid off! We spent the day in Reims seeing the cathedral, touring the Veuve Clicquot champagne-ery (and doing some tasting, too). Now we’re on the train back to Paris and I can feel the jet lag catching up with me finally (though it is nearly 7:30pm). At one point on the tour, I had an almost overwhelming desire to lay down on the floor right in front of the tour guide and go to sleep. Oh yeah, that’s jet lag!

Tomorrow we plan on doing nothing in particular and just enjoying Paris in the springtime. Life is good. Will post photos as soon as I find free wireless. Typing on the iPhone this much is wearing m index finger out!


3 responses to “April in Paris”

  1. Meagan Lopez Avatar

    Yay! So happy you’re enjoying yourself. Great to catch up a bit tonight, but look forward to doing it more so on Tuesday.

  2. Richard Castro Avatar
    Richard Castro

    How exciting for all of you! Wish I were there!!! Boy, do I! Brought back a lot of memories of being in Paris. First time there in 1967 we stayed at a hotel on Victor Hugo Ave, a short walk from where you are! Have run parts of the course but not the marathon.
    Have a great run!

  3. carole leita Avatar

    i thought i was the only one who didn’t use my thumbs!