Another year, another El Prieto Handicap

on the course

Last Saturday (May 21) was the 18th annual El Prieto Handicap, Chuck’s little race that he’s been putting on for, you guessed it, 18 years (here’s the story behind the race). But this was the third year (the first time was 2009 – I can’t believe it’s been that long!) that we asked folks to donate to City of Hope in lieu of getting race swag that they may or may not ever wear or use. Two years ago we were still definitely in recovery mode: Chuck’s last chemo treatment had been about a month before, and he was still getting regular immunotherapy infusions. Chuck is feeling a whole lot better these days, but still goes to City of Hope (thankfully not as often as he was two years ago) and every time we go we see how important the work they do there really is.

Anyway,  back to the race. This was an uphill year. But once again, like last year, we had to find an alternate course as the El Prieto trail is still closed due to fire and erosion damage from the 2010 Station Fire. Chuck deemed last year’s course too easy so we’ve been scouting out good alternatives. The course we ended up using this year started at the Rose Bowl Aquatic Center and ran up to Hahamongna Watershed Park. It ended up being 3.75 miles long (when we initially marked it we thought it was 4 miles, but we failed to allow for the backtracking we had to do). Chuck’s handicaps were pretty good: he was way off for only a few folks,  and those folks all managed to get lost (not permanently – everyone was found by the end). That afternoon everyone gathered at our friend Valerie’s house for a post-race party and a good time was had by all.

Most importantly, we raised $1100 for the City of Hope,  and with a corporate match that will come out to $2200! Thanks to all who came and ran,  and to everyone who donated money. Chuck loves this race,  and every year you all make it special.

Pics of the race are here.