Time to Paint the Money Pit!

So now that the house has been fully repaired (goodbye, dry rot! goodbye bad siding!) we are ready for step 2 of our money pit beautification project. It’s house painting time! We hired Student Painters to do the job. They’re a very cool company that works with college students to give them real world experience in project management and running a business (plus, they do a darned good job of painting!). They won our business by walking around our neighborhood looking for houses that needed painting (huh, and they thought of us!) and knocking on the door and explaining the whole concept behind the company.

So we have the painters. Now it’s time to pick the paint. We have decided to change up the Cape Cod blue that the house has been forever, and go with green – but green with accents. Then we saw some houses that were more beige-ish than green. Hmm. Obviously, we haven’t finalized the shade of green but after thoroughly canvassing our neighborhood, we’ve come up with a few favorites. We have newish roll-up garage doors that are white and are pondering whether to paint them or leave them white. We have until July 11 (when the painting starts) to choose. The current faves:

potential color choice 1
candidate 1
potential color choice 2
candidate 2
potential color choice 3
candidate 3
potential color choice 4
candidate 4

I took the photos with my iPhone, so the quality isn’t the best. But cast your vote now, all advice is welcome!


3 responses to “Time to Paint the Money Pit!”

  1. eileen Avatar

    that’s my current fave of faves, too!

  2. Genesis Avatar

    I like candidates 1 and 2.

  3. Cheryl Avatar

    This is exciting! I like the first one I think, the smooth rock really looks good too. It will be a huge change!!