Napa Valley

barrels.jpgWe took the weekend off, sort of (we stayed in a hotel with wireless Internet access and so were able to check email and stay abreast of whatever was happening work-wise cuz hey, we’re geeks, okay?), and went to Napa Valley to tour the wineries and enjoy life. It was kind of gloomy weather with a fair bit of light rain and cool temps, but it was nice walking-around-drinking-wine weather. We started with Venge Vineyards, as we wanted to see some caves. The Venge caves were very neat, and there were some amazing elkhorn chandeliers in them, made by Boy Scouts, no less! We then went on to visit Clos Pegase (fabulous art collection, including a Henry Moore sculpture), Chateau Boswell (a very cool castle-like building with a cloister-like tasting room in one of their caves), Silver Rose (where we want to go back and stay!), Peju (where we sampled the hottest mustard I have ever tasted), and Sterling (which wins “best tour” award for the great tram ride up and the self-guided tour inside). Then we capped the day off with dinner at the Culinary Institute of America. Phew! A wonderful time was had by all – and here are the pics to prove it.
