Sit and watch…

Do you ever feel helpless? As you may or may not know I normally work from home. Today I’m sitting at my desk looking out the window to my left. The view is not great, mostly a telephone pole, wires, and the sky. The sky is nice.

Well today I looked out the window and see a Raven or Crow has gotten its wing caught in a string that is attached to the power line. My first thought was how do I free the bird. Then reality caught up with me. The bird is caught about 40 feet up in the air and a few feet from the pole. In my youth I would have probably tried to climb the pole (and maybe succeeded – or cause myself bodily harm) but getting near 60 I’m thinking better of this.

The longer I’ve looked the more frustrated I have become. I called our vet for advice and they gave me the number of the local animal shelter. They gave me the number of the power company. When I called the power company they wanted to know if the bird had interrupted our power. It hasn’t.

Unfortunately for the bird there has been ton of rain these last few days with many power outages. So I’m afraid the bird is going to be a low priority. The bird is still very alert and looking around. Occasionally flapping its wings in futility. I keep hoping the string will break and the bird set free. At the same time I don’t know how much damage has already been caused and the bird may need medical attention.

The vet said they would take the bird in if someone can get it down. If the bird can’t extricate himself I’m afraid the bird will eventually die of dehydration. Not a way I’d like to go.

Update: The bird either managed to escape or Edison came through and rescued it. We looked all over the next morning and there was no sign of the bird on the pole or on the ground. We know it made it up to the pole, so it was able to rest and recoup. The neighbors were doing the same thing Chuck was doing, calling and alerting everyone they could think of who might have helped, so Animal Control and Edison were aware of the situation. So we’re going with the happy ending.
