Apparently you CAN go home again

3 shore road, linwoodLast Friday as our trip was winding down, we found ourselves with an unplanned bonus day. We ended up getting to Baltimore a day early, and as nothing else was happening, we decided to drive out to Atlantic City, NJ and see where Chuck was born and lived when he was little. We started out in Linwood, where his childhood home was located. In describing the house, Chuck said it was big, but I always figured that was a kid’s memory and the reality would be much smaller. Not so, as it turned out. The house was every bit as big and grand as Chuck had said. We were standing outside taking pictures, and the owner came up and asked what we were doing (it must have looked like were casing the joint). After talking about all the changes, we were invited in to see the interior. What a treat! We saw Chuck’s old room, and he saw all the changes, and told the current owners what the house was like back in the early 1950’s. It was lovely inside, with beautiful wood molding and hardwood floors. It must be a real money pit to maintain, but the current owners do love the place, so that’s really nice to see. After taking even more pics, we headed to Atlantic City, stopping along the way to see Lucy the Margate elephant. Chuck had talked often and fondly of playing in this elephant, and had always described it as a big elephant. once again, I figured that was a child’s memory. Wow, was I wrong! We stopped to ask a local where it was, and he smiled and told us, “Turn left at the next corner, go down the street. You can’t miss it.” Was he ever right! It turns out Lucy is a THREE STORY tall elephant! And it is now a national historic landmark. It wasn’t open so we only got to take pics from the outside. Still, she was a marvel! We then headed to Atlantic City.

Uh-oh! Gotta board the plane home now. To be cont’d… But pics are here.
