Not ones to let grass grow under our feet, on to the bedroom!

UntitledIt seems like just last week we were putting the finishing touches on the spare bathroom. Oh wait! We were. But that was last week. Now it’s time to move on to the spare bedroom. On the agenda: wood floors, new base boards, and closet doors. Oh and a wall-mounted TV which entailed taking out part of a wall to run electricity. Good times!

This room has a tighter deadline for completion than the bathroom. It needs to be done by next Monday, when a Thanksgiving guest arrives and will need a bed to sleep in.

The trickiest bit was trying to match the hardwood that is in the rest of the  house. We went and got a bunch of samples then spent a while going from room to room trying to see what was the closest match. The winner was from Home Depot: Hickory Honey click wood flooring. The click wood thing is going to make installation boatloads easier than the last time (for which Chuck’s knees give a grateful “Thanks!”).

The walls will be painted almond wisp (the color we used in the front house remodel – a really cool color that has a light brown look with a grey base (probably not the best description, but a lot of brown/beige colors have a yellow base, and almond wisp doesn’t). And the baseboard will be higher, also along the lines of what we did in the front house.

Pics of the fun are here:
