Born to run, but I repeat myself

sylvia and elise at the finishWe really hit the ground running (so to speak) yesterday – we made it back from our Ojai trip about 2pm, went to the store, unpacked, cleaned up and hey presto! company arrived! We were playing host to some running friends who were participating in the Long Beach Marathon today. Well, they were actually doing the half-marathon but that’s still 13 miles, which is pretty darned far. We had originally planned on doing the half too, but were sidetracked by surgery and work and were not feeling well-trained enough to go the distance. So our friends stayed the night, we all carbo loaded and we met them at the eight-mile mark and ran in with them. It was a great day, temps in the mid-60s (heated up a bit as the morning wore on) and clear skies, at least in the early morning. The weather forecasters were predicting rain and the rain did indeed fall, but happily not until we were all done and back home. Our friends did quite well, finishing in about 2:12. We got in a nice five mile run and then headed out for a nice Sunday brunch and watched the rain fall and felt very sorry for the marathoners still out on the course gettting soaked. Some pics here (as I had my trusty Casio camera in my running shorts pocket!).

Deadwood here we come (I’m not kidding)!!
