You’re free to move about the country, but nobody said it was going to be comfortable

toasting sunsetWhen last we left our intrepid travelers, they were getting ready to board a Southwest flight from Philadelphia to LAX, and they were very excited because they were FIRST in the “A” group, all ready to assume our rightful seats in the emergency row. Sadly, this was not to be. There were 45 poor sods people who were already on the plane from its previous destination and they had (wisely) seized the emergency row seats before we boarded. Given this situation, we opted to head toward the back of the plane – away, we thought, from all the screaming children in the front of the plane. Hahaha! Were we fooled or what!?! There was a little girl about two years old a couple of rows behind us, and she cried pretty much the WHOLE WAY. That’s right, the kid hollered for nearly four hours. Argh!! Aside from that I was engrossed in reading Manhunt, and listening to symbols for facebook” title=”music symbols for facebook”>music as loud as I could handle it, in an attempt to drown out the squalling kid and other annoying noises. We even tried using drink coupons, the theory being that a glass of wine might dull our hearing or something. No such luck. By the time we landed, we agreed that it was time to fork over the bucks for the Bose noise-canceling headphones.

We made it to the gate at LAX about 8:50pm, and then the real fun began – trying to catch a shuttle to Long Beach. We waited and waited and were about to shell over $55 for a taxi, when a shuttle finally showed. We were the last stop unfortunately, and didn’t walk in our own front door until 11pm.

Here we are home at last, so I uploaded all of the (good) pics to Flickr, and created a little movie of all the even littler movies we shot with the digital cameras. Here’s a Flash version (fast loading but you need Flash Player 8), and here’s a Quicktime version (29MB).

Now it’s back to plowing through all of my way backed up email.
