To all of our active friends…

We’ve been quite engrossed over the past three weeks watching the Tour de France (and it’s been a great year!). As it’s been broadcast on Versus (not a major network), the advertisements have been, um, intriguing. Who can forget Smiling Bob? And the constant promos for Fanarchy?

But along with the dreck they’ve been promoting a really good idea: Road ID. We spend a lot of time out on the road or in the water, running, biking, and swimming and we don’t always carry ID – no pockets in a swimsuit. If disaster happens and there’s no way  for you to tell people who you are, you’re up the creek. That’s where Road ID fits in: they have bracelets, necklaces, and ankle bracelets that have all of your pertinent info on it to make identification easy (I won’t go into the gruesome possibility that you’re in some sort of accident where your foot gets torn off and the ankle bracelet goes flying – I mean that’s just plain old really crappy luck and you just can’t plan for that kind of shit). Anyway, we got the ankle bracelets and the neck bracelets to cover a variety of activities. And because I’m just nice that way, here’s a coupon you can use for a discount: ThanksEileen517575. Use it when you check out. I don’t get anything for it, but you get $1.00 off. You can thank me later.


4 responses to “To all of our active friends…”

  1. eileen Avatar

    I’m wearing the ankle one right now for my morning run!

  2. carole leita Avatar
    carole leita

    cool! i got the ankle (black) and also a belt and clipon light for riding at night. i like it they let me choose the foundation.

  3. eileen Avatar

    I feel just that little bit safer have the ID with me when out on the roads

  4. meagan Avatar

    Oh that’s a great idea! I figure they don’t know who I am over here anyway! xoxo