Author: chuck

  • Countdown begins – Weigh In

    Leaving tomorrow morning.  Appears Eileen has won the luggage weight competition.  My final weight for my suitcase is 22.8.  Now I’ve got to say if Eileen comes in at 20.8 I feel it would be a tie as she did go out and get a MUCH lighter suitcase, at least 2 pounds lighter than mine.

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  • Tri Season Once Again

    We got up at 4 AM – yes 4 AM! – to head out to Hansen Dam for Eileen’s first triathlon this year. I was a bit concerned about her bike training but I guess all those weeks in spin class paid off even if she has not gotten much time on the road. This…

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  • I should read our blog more often:

    I completely missed an entry from Eileen a few weeks back, then today I received an email from a friend, Richard Castro, congratulating me on our 9th anniversary.  Was really very nice of him to say and to send a copy of Eileen’s post, “Another anniversary”.  If you haven’t read it you should, she is…

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  • Customer Service

    Any of you who read the blog on a regular basis know I don’t post very often. After two mediocre encounters with customer service folks recently I felt a need. My gut level is customer server has gone the same way as the Dodo bird. My first foray into the customer service world was with…

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  • Near Drowning

    Yesterday, Eileen and I did the Hard Core Sprint Triathlon held on the base at Camp Pendleton. To sum up the event I’ll quote another participant who swam a little better than me or was faster in the transition than me or both. He said, “the swim was frighting, the bike ride from hell never…

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  • Super Sprint Tri

    OK, let me start at the beginning.  Sine the end of last March I’ve been struggling to get back in shape.  Eileen decided I needed a carrot and a sprint triathlon would be just the thing… When we found the Race On The Base – Triathlon we signed up. It was a reverse triathlon: 5K,…

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