Author: Eileen OShea

  • Safari Day One: Where We Encounter A Veritable Bushel of Critters

    As I mentioned in my previous post, we arrived in Nairobi at 6am after an easy 7 1/2 hour flight from Paris. Our first hurdle was a pretty confusing customs experience. We had all of our paperwork (e-visas, vaccination records, passports) all done and ready to go but the customs guy in our line was…

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  • The Safari Adventure Begins But First Stop, Paris

    The day before we left for Africa I came down with laryngitis and a cold (of course). CHuck had been sick the preceding few days and was on the road to recovery when my symptoms started presenting. Happily it was not in my ears, just my throat and chest so flying wasn’t painful. But I…

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  • East with the night

    I’m paraphrasing the title of a great book (well, I thinker’s great, anyway) West with the Night, a memoir by Beryl Markham of her life in East Africa. Yes, at last our big adventure begins! We leave for Paris today, where we will layover for two days before making the last push to Nairobi. We…

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  • On the road to find out

    We just returned from a Thanksgiving trip to the East Coast. We spent the holiday with family in Washington DC and the week preceding it on the Eastern Shore of Maryland – one of our top contenders for retirement. It combines access to water (the Chesapeake Bay) and relatively easy access to big cities (Baltimore…

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  • Where does the time go?

    How did it get to be November already?!? Seems like just yesterday we were getting back from North Carolina and I was feeling pretty good about keeping up with the blog. Oh well, so much for my good intentions. We’re getting down to the wire with preparations for our African safari in January. All vaccinations…

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  • Into the great semi-unknown

    After getting caught up on sleep after our marathon journey to North Carolina, we spent our first full day in NC at the Biltmore Estate – George Vanderbilt’s beautiful ginormous mansion (“America’s largest home”). We took a house tour and signed up for a Legacy of the Land tour of the estate which gave us…

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