Category: cancer

  • Follow up

    I started this post on April 21 with the words, “I am sitting in a waiting room at the City of Hope…” I was doing that yesterday as well. Over the past six months, I realize, I’ve done a LOT of waiting in waiting rooms at City of Hope. But yesterday’s doctor visit officially put…

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  • Adding to a great day

    At the end of the day today, as the last of the chemo dripped into Chuck’s veins, all of the nurses in the infusion unit came into his room, sang Zippity-Doo-Dah and gave him a medal! We were doing pretty well keeping our emotions in check until they put that medal around his neck, then…

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  • And just like that, it’s a new beginning

    After four months of crappy news and endless worry, today was great. Chuck got the official ALL CLEAR. He is cancer-free. We have it in writing. There’s a lot of follow-up: he comes in for a PET scan in a month, and for the next year every three months Dr. Nade wants him to come…

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  • Meet Mr. Fatty Necrosis

    I was so over the moon last night that I didn’t provide much detail regarding our little friend Mr. Fatty Necrosis, he who scared the living crap out of us after Chuck’s last PET scan. While he sounds vaguely like a silent film villain, or possibly a grotesque vaudevillian (or as a friend has suggested,…

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  • Sometimes prayers do get answered! Or we’re just the luckiest sons-of-bitches around. You decide.

    Dr. Nade, Chuck’s cancer doctor, God bless her, called us at about 7:30 tonight to let us know the results of the needle biopsy. It was FAT!!! Specifically fat necrosis – as in dead fat – as in something, she assured us, that we don’t need to worry about. So one chemotherapy treatment and Chuck…

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  • Hurry up and wait

    Chuck had the CT-guided needle biopsy this past Thursday. It went quite well – he’s a tough guy. They gave him a shot of lidocaine in his stomach (ack!) and that was it. He got to watch the whole procedure (they offered to knock him out but he opted to stay awake). He said it…

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