Category: extreme makeovers

  • Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off…

    …start all over again. Chuck had a rough week last week, getting used to life in the collar. But then we saw the doctor last Thursday, and he got a prescription for Vioxx, or as we like to call it, the wonder drug! It cut his swelling down and generally made life bearable. His appetite,…

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  • Late-breaking Chuck-date

    As in a Chuck update… It’s Sunday evening, and last Monday seems like ten years ago. Chuck came home Friday afternoon, after spending four days recovering from his (drum roll, please) Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (hereafter to be called his ACDF — to see a semi-gruesome video of the procedure, and read more about…

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  • The First Cut Is the Deepest

    Well, today was the big day for Chuck. We arrived at the hospital bright and early (5:20am), and spent the next two and a half hours hanging out doing pre-op things: filling out forms, then filling out more forms, then filling out more forms…you get the idea. Our friend Kyra was there (she’s a nurse)…

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  • Small Issues

    Poor Chuck! First he gets stuck taking care of me in my current semi-ambulatory condition. Then he finds out he has to have spinal surgery at the end of the month (he has spinal stenosis). The procedure is scary but necessary, done with microsurgery. Which got me thinking…wouldn’t it be cool if rather than microsurgery,…

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  • Adventures in Slicing and Dicing

    Or how I spent my day in out-patient surgery… This all started about fifteen years ago when I tore some ligaments in my ankle when I was out running one morning. After a few months in splints and casts I was pronounced healed. But over the years the ankle’s ligaments became more and more stretched…

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