Category: family & friends
Planting a tree
Dear Bev, This morning we did something that I think you would really like. We got together with a bunch of running friends and we planted a live oak tree. In your memory. We’re calling it Bev’s Tree. We are even starting a Facebook page for it so we can all take pictures and…
Sometimes there are no words, just an awful silence that you know is going to last forever. Our friend Bev Buss passed away over the weekend. We don’t know the circumstances exactly, but we know she is gone and we’ll never hear that wonderful gut-busting  laugh or see that mile-wide smile again. She was the…
More travels with Charlie
Chuck’s adventure continues. I’m sort of sorry I’m not with him as he is really having a lot of fun. Well, except for the rain and the getting lost and going in circles. My butt isn’t at all interested however, and reminds me that it would be very sore if it were on the motorcycle.…
Day of the (mostly) dead
As the title implies today we went places that were full of mostly dead stuff, other than the tourists. And the weather took a turn for the colder with highs in the mid 50’s. Brr! We started the day at Pere Lachaise Cemetery (and yes, there’s an app for it – in fact there are two.…
Nous sommes arrivee! And our luggage is here, too!
After our whirlwind weekend in Pittsburgh, then one busy day working it was on the road again – well, really in the skies again. We flew to Paris yesterday (was it really only yesterday?) and hit the ground running (in a sleepy completely jet-lagged sort of way), trying to stay awake as long as possible…
I love it when a surprise works!
Our good time overload continued this past weekend when we made a semi-secret trip to Pittsburgh, PA to attend a surprise party for my brother-in-law Tony, who is turning 70. My brother and sister-in-law came, both of my nephews (my sister & brother-in-law’s kids, that is) and their families, Tony’s two older brothers, as well…
- another day in the life (302)
- cancer (28)
- english is hard (1)
- extreme makeovers (17)
- family & friends (61)
- going green (2)
- IMHO (41)
- money pit (67)
- recreational fun & games (117)
- silly things we enjoy (99)
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- techie geek stuff (95)
- travel (73)
- vacation (79)
- work, work, work (25)