Category: family & friends
Finding our inner princesses
Yesterday we were over at our friend Bev’s. She lives a fair piece from us in Camarillo (can you say “back of beyond”?), so we planned on making a day of it. Our mission: hook her iMac G5 up with a second monitor using Screen Spanning Doctor. See, the iMacs out of the box can…
We picked him up late yesterday afternoon, and had to hightail it out before they could give us the blow-by-blow about the car. We’re going back this morning all of that stuff. But we had a BLAST driving Max to and from Pasadena last night! Mo’ better photos coming today.
The eagle has landed! Max Mini O’Shea is here in Long Beach and we may be able to pick him up TODAY!!!!! Excuse me, I have to go explode now.
Young Max’s first trip
Max Mini O’Shea is as we speak on his first (and probably last) ocean voyage. He is on a ship crossing tha Atlantic. The dealership tells me he’ll be in Ontario on or around October 16, and should be in Long Beach on or around October 23, at which point we can go and visit…
Update on Max Mini O’Shea
I checked the MiniUSA site today and there is FABULOUS news!! Max is through the birthing process and is now awaiting shipment to the United States! Yay! I can’t track the shipping info yet, so I think he’s hanging at the docks waiting for his ship to come in.
The littlest O’Shea is on the way!!!!
I’ve been bursting to blog about this but didn’t want to until it was a confirmed thing. I can now proudly announce that the newest member of our family is well on his way to an official birthday. Max Mini O’Shea will be out of production NEXT WEDNESDAY and could be in Long Beach as…
- another day in the life (302)
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