Category: IMHO
Deal or No Deal or How Western Civilization Has Finally Once and for All Doomed Itself to Ruin
I was in northern California recently visiting my aunt. This bears mentioning because it meant that I stayed in a motel and didn’t have Tivo or a DVR to keep me from watching commercials and shows that I otherwise would never see because I have 50 hours of Law & Order, Law & Order SVU…
Thought-provoking read
In this week’s Newsweek, John McCain wrote an excellent essay on torture, and why America should NOT resort to it. I make no secret of my politics: I’m a died-in-the-wool Democrat (with some independent/libertarian/socialist leanings), but I must say, given the dearth of quality presidential candidates, likely Republican candidate McCain is looking pretty darned good…
The Boss still rocks like nobody else after all these years
In my life there are a handful of moments in time where I really stopped down and said, “Whoa!” Where something – an event, a song, something I read – made such an instant impression on me that I knew it would stay with me forever. And no matter how much time passes, I can…
A good day
–rant on– Good old California! We had a special election yesterday, in which our governor (Ah-nold) attempted to foist an expensive right wing agenda down our throats. I’m happy to report we shoved back, and every one of the propositions on the ballot failed. Consider yourself terminated, Governator. Okay, altogether now: Don’t expect us voters…
Seems about right to me…
Hey kids! Did you know that if you do a Google search on the word [failure] or the phrase [miserable failure], the top result is currently the White House’s official biographical page for President Bush? So what’s wrong with that, you ask? It’s actually a case of googlebombing. Seems more like the honest truth to…
Those Google asswipes
Grrrr….argh……hrmph… I was reading the Google blog, and ran across a mention of Google Video (beta). They were talking about a new random video search which sounded pretty neat. So I go to their website, and guess what? PCs only. No Macs allowed! Apparently they have some bogus compression thing happening that requires Windows and…
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