Category: IMHO

  • On a Historical Note

    I have been editing our electronic resource records at work. This has entailed actually going to many of them to see if they a)still work and b)are still about what we think they are (many are just websites vs grand databases). Anyhoo, so I’ve been grinding along throught the alphabet and ran across this one,…

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  • Depressing Numbers

    This was forwarded to me today. It makes you think, and makes me all the more certain that we need a change. See: The Cost of War. Dwight Eisenhower’s 1953 quote pretty much says it all: “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from…

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  • And Now for Something Completely Different

    I usually address hard-hitting issues like the state of my ankle or where we’re traveling to next in this blog. Today, I’m taking a different tack. I received an email from (those prolific anti-Bush folks) and was vastly entertained by the concept of their latest fund-raising event: Bake Back the White House! You can…

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  • Get Out the Vote!

    If it’s March, it must be election time. We cast our ballots yesterday like good little Democrats. After finding out about a scary organization called the Campaign for California Families, voting for the propositions was a breeze. I just voted the opposite of whatever the CCF supported! It’s been a good week – the Senate…

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