Category: money pit

  • The money pit strikes again!

    We have just spent a really entertaining 6 months trying to evict a deadbeat tenant.  I kid. There was nothing even mildly entertaining about it. But let’s start at the beginning. Here’s a factoid about us: we own a duplex and live in one part and rent out the other. For years it’s been no…

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  • The master bedroom: finishing touches

    At last the master bedroom is done! The final thing were the closet doors and they were installed this week (mis-measurement caused a delay). So I give you the before and after: The bathroom is on hold until we find out about taxes. Fingers crossed!

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  • Happily done with crawling around on the floor

    The master bedroom remodel, part 1 is finally done! We finished laying the  floor a few days ago and are now painting all of the baseboards and door trim (for not just our bedroom but the entire hallway – we’ve expanded the plan). the floor looks fabulous and we are now carpet-free, except for the…

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  • Sending 2012 out with a bang…

    The bang of a hammer and nail gun, that is. Having finished the larger guest bedroom in November, this New Year’s holiday we undertook the smaller guest room’s makeover – the goal being to be (mostly) finished with both guest bedrooms by 2013, making way for the much bigger master bedroom/bath makeover planned for 2013.…

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  • Chez O’Shea is back in business!

    Just in time for holiday visitors, Chez O’Shea is open and ready for company! It took us ten days of intermittent hard work (with breaks for gainful employment) but the spare bedroom now has hardwood floors, fresh paint and an overall new look and feel. It is now the official GUEST bedroom! Next up: the…

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  • Not ones to let grass grow under our feet, on to the bedroom!

    It seems like just last week we were putting the finishing touches on the spare bathroom. Oh wait! We were. But that was last week. Now it’s time to move on to the spare bedroom. On the agenda: wood floors, new base boards, and closet doors. Oh and a wall-mounted TV which entailed taking out…

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