Category: recreational fun & games

  • Snakes on a trail!

    Okay, that’s not true. I am cashing in on the whole snakes on a plane phenomenon. What is true is that this past Sunday was the annual Rattlesnake Run hosted by our friends Mary & Gerry. It’s a trail run in the Santa Monica mountains (we use that term loosely beacuse the highest peak is…

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  • This is what happens when you watch too much Tour de France coverage

    I’ve been thinking and talking about getting a road bike for a while. It was one of the reasons that I had my wrist operated on, so I could hold drop down handlebars again. So last weekend we went out and did some test rides – I did some test rides, I should say. Chuck…

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  • Awesome new workout toy

    I have to rave for a minute about a new tech toy we recently bought (we don’t share tech toys too well, so we each bought one): the Nike + iPod Sport Kit. This is truly the coolest little lowcost ($29) gadget I’ve seen in a long time. It’s a two-part thing: you get a…

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  • What I did for love

    This past Sunday dawned clear and sunny in the Sonoma Valley, not a good sign. The alarm went off at 5:45am, and we rolled out of bed into our running clothes, heading out the door around 6am and walking the half mile to the place where the buses waited to take us to the starting…

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  • Living la vida loca

    We went wine tasting yesterday in the Sonoma Valley, which is one of the really fabulous wine making regions in the world. There appears to be a winery every ten feet or so, and I am not kidding by much. I have been advocating for some time the merits of the limo concept: hire a…

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  • Run around Sue

    We’re on the road again, in Sonoma for the Carneros Wine Country Half Marathon, Napa-to-Sonoma. The race is this coming Sunday, but we decided to come a couple of days early to enjoy the wine country. I flew to San Jose and spent a couple of days visting my aunt in Watsonville. On this trip…

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