Category: recreational fun & games

  • more fireworks!

    Chuck gave me his flash card, so I’ve uploaded his fireworks photos now, too. He took some movies but I haven’t figured out how to get them to a reasonable enough size to post. So still more later.

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  • A grand time was had by all

    So this past Saturday was Chuck’s annual El Prieto Handicap race! Last year’s race was memorable as poor Chuck was still in his neck brace, just two weeks out of spinal surgery and I wasn’t much better, as I was still recovering from my ankle surgery. It was iffy as to whether he was going…

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  • Running on Empty

    Well, not really. Today was the day of the annual (this was the 11th) El Prieto Handicap Run, better known as El Prieto. Chuck thought it up eleven years ago as a way to give anyone a shot at winning a race, something that most of us slower runners never experience. It also gives Chuck…

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