Category: vacation

  • The perils of travel

    We left home last Tuesday for Sacramento, to tape a webcast on Wednesday. That went okay (there were some technical glitches due mostly to our newbie-ishness), but still mission accomplihed. Then it was off to the airport to catch a flight to Albuquerque for a two-day conference. Once that was done, we headed to Snata…

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  • What I did for love

    This past Sunday dawned clear and sunny in the Sonoma Valley, not a good sign. The alarm went off at 5:45am, and we rolled out of bed into our running clothes, heading out the door around 6am and walking the half mile to the place where the buses waited to take us to the starting…

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  • You’re free to move about the country, but nobody said it was going to be comfortable

    When last we left our intrepid travelers, they were getting ready to board a Southwest flight from Philadelphia to LAX, and they were very excited because they were FIRST in the “A” group, all ready to assume our rightful seats in the emergency row. Sadly, this was not to be. There were 45 poor sods…

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  • Lasting impressions of Philadelphia: it rains a lot and is really humid; beyond that I can’t say much

    Because that’s pretty much what it did all three days we were there. It was raining when we arrived, it was raining while we toured around, and it…wait! It actually STOPPED today!! Yes, we actually were able to walk around without getting soaked. Well, that’s not completely true. Because once it stopped raining and the…

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  • A quick one before I go…

    We’re in Cape May, New Jersey, a little seaside town near the point where Delaware Bay joins the Atlantic Ocean. It’s a quaint place, full of Victorian houses and a boardwalk that has lots of places to buy ice cream or frozen custard and play skeeball (I love skeeball; I’m pretty bad but I still…

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  • The man with two names

    I was going to write an amusing blog entry tonight about Chuck’s various names and how confusing it can get as people refer to him by these various appellations, hence the cute title which is, of course, a reference to the very underrated Steve Martin film The Man with Two Brains. I’m saving that for…

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