Category: vacation

  • An Ode to American Airlines

    I have a confession to make. I am no longer a virgin. I have now flown in First Class. And I did it at coach prices. How’s that for cool? I’ll tell how it happened, but first a brief aside about how great it is to be married to just the right person. It’s relevant…

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  • It’s a mad, mad, mad world

    <bitch fest on> It has been a really, really, really busy couple of weeks. Did I mention how busy it’s been the past few weeks? It has been. I feel like I haven’t been home in a month. The office has been in a state of remodel for the past month, which definitely contributed to…

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  • Cabo pics

    It’s Monday, and I feel mostly recovered from our week in Cabo. I had a lot of photos from several cameras to go through and remove all of the too-awful-for-the-light-of-day ones. So here are eighty or so of the creme de la creme (IMHO). A few are not so hot but clearly illustrate the over…

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  • Another margarita? Could I please just scrape my fingernails down a chalkboard instead?

    So it turns out there really is such a thing as too many margaritas. We’re into day five of our Cabo trip and I can officially say that I, for one, have had enough margaritas to last this lifetime. We have had them with lunch almost every day (and let me tell you, me and…

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  • Down Mexico Way

    We made it down to Cabo San Lucas today, flying via Alaska Airlines. A bumpy flight for most of the way – much turbulence even at high altitude. But we landed safely, mad it through Customs, fought our way past the hordes of people trying to a) give us a ride to wherever we were…

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  • Taking the long way home

    When last we left our intrepid adventurers, they were in New Mexico planning the return drive to sunny So Cal. That was then. Now we are home, all pictures have been downloaded, bags have been unpacked, dirty laundry washed. In other words, life is back to the same old same old. We didn’t stick with…

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