Category: work, work, work
Sadly it looks like Thomas Wolfe was right
I have been enjoying the month of September. In particular, I have been enjoying the month of September becuase I have not had to show my face at my place of work. Yes, I had a whole month of vacation from my regular job. My POW gives us health insurance and pays into our retirement.…
It was a dark and stormy night…
So, I take a vanpool van to and from work these days. It’s part of my quest to not drive the LA freeways any more than is absolutely necessary, as I feel certain that prolonged exposure to all that traffic and aggressiveness shortens our lifespans. But enough about that. I have tried, at various times,…
Macworld redux
An ad at the Apple booth Originally uploaded by eoshea. Phew! It’s Thursday and I’m suffering from Macworld burnout! I started this morning off right with a feature presentation – Wil Wheaton did a couple of readings from his book Just a Geek and generally kept us all entertained for more than an hour with…
Macs continue to rule!
Mac mini Originally uploaded by eoshea. MacWorld, Day One. Steve Jobs did his usual amazing keynote and saved all the big announcements for the last 15 minutes! The biggest news was all over the rumor pages for the last couple of weeks – a low cost Mac sans display, or as he said “BYODKM.” Well,…
Cubicles, schmubicles…
The inevitable has happened at work. My formerly glorious big office (with two windows yet!) has been turned into three small cubicles. Well, actually two small cubicles and one semi large-ish one. I have one of the small ones. But I did get half of a window (the upper half) AND I’m nearest the door…
Another Blog We Write
We work for a grant funded project called Infopeople, and we just went public with a new blog called Wazzup. It went live today. Check it out here.
- another day in the life (302)
- cancer (28)
- english is hard (1)
- extreme makeovers (17)
- family & friends (61)
- going green (2)
- IMHO (41)
- money pit (67)
- recreational fun & games (117)
- silly things we enjoy (99)
- spam (4)
- techie geek stuff (95)
- travel (73)
- vacation (79)
- work, work, work (25)