Tag: apple
iPhone app awesomeness: Night Camera
The camera on the iPhone is pretty weak in anything other than daylight, let’s be honest. No flash, 2.0 megapixels – it’s okay but good luck with the night shots. Want to beef it up? Try Night Camera. It works its magic by utilizing the accelerometer. And it’s only 99 cents! If you want to…
iBreviary: a new app for the iPhone, straight from the Vatican! It’s free, and offers prayers and stuff in Italian and English. This totally would make up for the fact that I downloaded Pull My Finger, right?
Apple fangirl blurt
I heart Apple!! I heart Apple!! I heart Apple!! I heart Apple!! How lame am I? Oh, and can I has iLife and iWork 09 now, please? But where is the new Mac Mini we heard so much about on the rumor sites? Ours heard those rumors about its being replaced and crapped out completely…
Nifty new apps for my iPhone
I am late to this but I have to say, Shazam is amazing! And free! I’m also really digging PageOnce; love the snapshot views of online accounts. Oh, and Allrecipes.com, if you like easy access to all sorts of meal ideas. And for vicarious enjoyment (for me), Snow Reports so I can see what the…
Phun with iPhones
Chuck and I have discovered a new thing to do with (small amounts) of our money. Buy third party apps for the iPhone! Having exhausted all of the free offerings we have moved on to low-cost silly stuff. Two current faves: Koi Pond – very soothing and utterly pointless. Morse Code – it flashed and…
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