Tag: france

  • The Safari Adventure Begins But First Stop, Paris

    The day before we left for Africa I came down with laryngitis and a cold (of course). CHuck had been sick the preceding few days and was on the road to recovery when my symptoms started presenting. Happily it was not in my ears, just my throat and chest so flying wasn’t painful. But I…

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  • It’s all about the journey, right?

    I had to remind myself that we were on our way home more than once over the course of today’s trip home. American Airlines managed to schedule our flights from Paris to Dallas then from Dallas to LA so close together that it was a mad scramble trying to to get through customs then get…

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  • Saying goodbye to Paris

    We are at the airport right now where I am indulging in cheap, zippy wifi, uploading Paris pictures, checking email and updating the blog. We had a nice morning, not rushing getting packed (I found the sunglasses that I thought I had lost, yay!), then strolled down the Champs Elyssees for lunch, back to the…

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