Tag: home improvement

  • Sending 2012 out with a bang…

    The bang of a hammer and nail gun, that is. Having finished the larger guest bedroom in November, this New Year’s holiday we undertook the smaller guest room’s makeover – the goal being to be (mostly) finished with both guest bedrooms by 2013, making way for the much bigger master bedroom/bath makeover planned for 2013.…

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  • Chez O’Shea is currently closed for renovation

    And so it begins. The long-planned redo of our bathrooms has begun. Over the past two weeks we have been slowly demolishing the spare bathroom (actually, it went pretty quickly, we just kept getting interrupted by, you know, work and life and stuff like that). The cabinet and sink went quietly. The bathtub tile put…

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  • On hold

    Ah the perils of home improvement! When last we visited the money pit, the front house remodel was bopping along quite nicely. The contractor’s work was going well and looking fabulous and we were on track to be done by March 1. Then – da-da-DUM – we went to Lowe’s for kitchen cabinets, largely out…

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  • The continuing adventures of life in the money pit

    When last we left our intrepid home improvement saga, we were gearing up to paint the house. Well, here we are a couple of weeks later and we are still gearing up to paint the house. But we’re getting closer!  Selecting colors proved more arduous than certainli I had expected. First, there was our own…

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  • Time to Paint the Money Pit!

    So now that the house has been fully repaired (goodbye, dry rot! goodbye bad siding!) we are ready for step 2 of our money pit beautification project. It’s house painting time! We hired Student Painters to do the job. They’re a very cool company that works with college students to give them real world experience…

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