Tag: road trip

  • Postcards from the Hudson River Valley

    15 years ago Chuck and I were planning a really neat flying trip up the Hudson River Valley with my sister and brother-in-law (who is a small plane pilot). We actually had started the journey when I came down with a nasty sinus infection that grounded me in Maryland (we were starting there to visit…

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  • Home sweet home

    I am back in our home office as I write this wrap-up entry. We made it home yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, making good time from Paso Robles. We left Crescent City and drove to Eureka where we met up with our friend Jack who has had a temp job there for the past few months. We…

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  • The Oregon Trail

    When last we left our intrepid travelers…we were in Tillamook, Oregon. After leaving Tillamook we drove to Reedsport, OR (where we spent a night pondering whether we had ended up in an alternate “Deliverance” universe – Oregon is a VERY interesting place!), stopping to see several lighthouses and ending up in Bandon, OR for the…

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  • The road goes ever on

    We’re hitting the road again this summer – last summer’s road was so much fun we’ve decided to embrace the adventure again! Last summer we drove north through Yellowstone then east to Chicago for the July 4 holiday and drove home via Route 66. Our mistake was that we had to be in Chicago by…

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  • The long way home

    When last I left our intrepid group (you know, us), we were in Chicago staying at the very-expensive-but-otherwise-just-okay W Chicago Lakeshore. We picked Maggie up from Tucker Pups, said our farewells to family, wished poor Kenny healing thoughts. Quick aside: Chuck’s brother-in-law dropped a razor on the top of his foot a few days before…

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  • Gone to look for America

    To celebrate Chuck’s retirement (well, mostly retirement, he will still be doing some consulting, at least for a while), Chuck and Maggie and I decided to take a celebratory road trip. While we have thought about buying an RV we have yet to make a decision on size, type, age (used or new) or even…

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